If time and budget do not allow for a thorough Access Audit, our Walk & Talk Service can support you in gaining onsite accessibility advice for you to put into practice. 

Our Access Advisor can visit your premises and conduct a site visit with you, covering all key areas of the site including entrances, toilet facilities, public areas and fire escape routes as well as external areas of the property. We will give feedback on all accessibility aspects of your business and help you to prioritise any action points that would greatly improve inclusivity and improve and support your Access Statement.

Businesses lose approximately £2 billion a month – A MONTH – by ignoring the needs of disabled people (Ref from Purple Pound). Loss of money per business, per month as follows:

  • High street shop – £267 million
  • Restaurant / pub / club – £163 million
  • Supermarket – £501 million
  • Energy company – £44 million
  • Phone / internet provider – £49 million
  • Transport provider – £42 million
  • Bank or building society – £935 million

The purple pound refers to the spending power of disabled people and their families. Estimates show that the 4.3 million disabled online shoppers who click away from inaccessible websites, have a combined spending power of £17.1 billion in the UK alone.

If you make your business more inclusive, you will make more money. It really is that simple. Right there is your business case.

If you want help with this contact us today.
#Diversity #Inclusion #Accessibility

The power of the ‘purple pound’ explained – BBC News

Around £249bn
In the UK, it is thought that some seven million people of working age have a disability, which all adds up to an awful lot of spending power. This is known as the “purple pound” and is reckoned to be worth around £249bn to the economy.